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Tutorials for EXperimentalisT Interactive LEarning (TEXTILE) is an interactive semi-linear module-based curriculum for training students at various educational levels on data science methodologies currently utilized by research laboratories.
Program Name: TEXTILE - Tutorials for EXperimentalisT Interactive LEarning
Brief Program Description: A summer series in data science, brain cell analysis, and professional development to introduce students to cutting edge research from real scientific methodologies taught by the scientists that designed or use them in their everyday lives and to encourage students to explore careers in science research
Program Details: Analyze neuroscience images of brain cells with data science and image processing using real images and data from the Nance Lab – the Disease Directed Engineering lab - in the Chemical Engineering department at the University of Washington. Over a series of 10 weeks, learn Python, data management, experimental design, and image processing alongside observing wet-lab techniques--such as brain slicing and microscopy from videos of real procedures in the lab-- and participating in career-development workshops including Resumé building and reviews. All modules and lessons are taught by current or former students from the Nance Lab.
Learning Outcomes:
At the completion of the program, participants will be able to
1. Identify different brain cells types and their role in normal brain function and disease
2. Recognize the use of different experimental techniques and models used to create fluorescent images
3. Identify the role chemical engineers play in data science, neuroscience, and nanoengineering
4. Develop an understanding of the research process
5. Use Python, Google Collab, and GitHub to write and execute basic code
6. Demonstrate knowledge about the potential of machine learning in biological sciences
7. Demonstrate knowledge of the process to prepare for and apply to graduate school
Location: Online
Who Should Apply: We encourage individuals who are currently in high school or pursuing an associate's or bachelor’s degree and are interested in learning about data science applied to neuroscience. No prior research, coding, data science, or engineering experience is necessary. We especially encourage individuals to apply who are looking for a first experience. Additionally, GPA is not considered in our decisions and therefore is optional to include in any of the requested application materials.
Important Dates:
*We accept a cohort of 30 students
Applications Open Until: April 30th @ Midnight PST
Application Decisions Sent out: May
Decision Acceptance Due: May
Program dates: mid-June to early August; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (2 hours a day) with open, optional office hours Tuesday and Thursday.
For questions: Please reach out to Prof. Elizabeth Nance ( with "TEXTILE UW Nance Lab" in the email subject."
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